My latest piece depicts Freyja, Rán, Hel, and the Valkyries, the ladies associated with the dead and death in Norse Mythology. The painting is also about liminal spaces, the meeting between life and death, or night and day, as well as land, sea, and sky, or earth, air, fire, and water, and between Helheim, Midgard, Vanaheim, and Asgard. It is about the veil, or Bifröst, or the point of transition and transformation where one thing becomes another.
The piece also celebrates the roles of goddesses in not traditionally feminine roles; as the goddesses of warriors, as queens of the afterlife, or as the dealers of fate who drag men down into the sea or select them for Odin’s hall. They are powerful figures who oversee the fates of every living person and their transition into whatever comes after.
This piece is oil on canvas.
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